In some neighborhoods, janitors work who are in charge of maintaining the facilities and controlling entrances and exits, being responsible for keeping the keys to all doors.
If the neighboring property has many communal areas, the number of keys that the janitor has is greater. For this reason, sometimes, if the worker has to open a door, it is difficult for him to find the specific key as he has a large number of options. In addition, there is also the risk of losing one or more keys, causing the change of cylinders and machining of doors.
To respond to the problem of having many access keys, the ideal solution is to apply a radiofrequency access control system (RFID) where access will be through a single tag (keychain or card) to access all the facilities that have an access reader on the door.
The distributor in charge of developing this application in neighborhoods has installed Kimaldi Flexy access control terminals at each of the entrance doors to the common areas. Subsequently, they have configured and given access permissions to the community administrator in the software from where access to the facilities is controlled and from where the administrator must enable access to the janitor.
With this RFID access control system to the facilities, the community of neighbors has gained in:
The janitor is responsible for having the access tag, but in case the community changes janitor, the administrator will only have to disable the tag and the janitor account in the software. Thus, you will no longer have access to the facilities or the App. This guarantees that no duplicate keys are made.
Another advantage provided by the solution software is that it allows you to identify and record all accesses to the facilities, helping to solve problematic situations.
The administrator will only have to give access to the guard through the software and give him the tag so that he can access. The janitor can download the specific App for janitors on his mobile where he will have access to:
-Open the doors remotely from your phone
-Identify lost tags
-Consult statistics on the use of facilities
For the janitor, this solution saves time since with only one tag he can have access to all the doors of the community. Just like it brings you greater comfort and efficiency in your work.
With this solution it also means economic savings for the community of neighbors. Savings by not having to change the mechanisms of the doors, for example the bowlers, in case of loss of the keys.
Implementing an access control solution in the neighborhoods guarantees a better optimization of the janitor’s work, provides cost and time savings, and generates greater security within the community.
If you need more information about the application or about the products:
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