
Kapri Online Bio SFM

SFM fingerprint sensor

Terminal for access control and time & attendance control solutions by fingerprint, RFID tags (cards, bracelets and key rings) and mobile.

Biometric fingerprint sensor with 25,000 templates capacity and 12,500 users with a single finger.


Kapri Online Bio and RFID for solutions of:

Access control: sports centers, gyms, paddle tennis courts, enterprises, restricted areas and fairs.

Time & Attendance control to register the working day.


• Online Operation

Operating terminal in real time.

• Biometric identification terminal

Kapri Bio identifies by fingerprint. The terminal has LFD (Live Finger Detection) technology for greater precision in the detection of fake fingerprints.

• Graphic IPS screen 2.4” and touch keyboard

The Kapri Bio terminal has a 2.4” IPS graphic display with excellent visibility.

It has a 16-key capacitive keyboard that makes it easy to enter work orders and codes, and a beeper.

• 3 relays and 4 digital inputs

The 4 digital inputs of the terminal can be used to monitor the status of door sensors, limit switches, etc. The equipment has an Anti-Tamper sensor that allows tthe detection of the manipulation of the terminal.

• Ethernet and wifi (optional)

The device connects through its Ethernet port and communication with the application is always done by exchanging JSON objects. Device integration is easy regardless of programming language or operating system.

Kapri Bio is available in a Wifi version.

• CLOUD Procotol: direct connection to the cloud

For Web Extranet solutions this is the recommended option of communication, mainly because in these environments it is usually not allowed for the application in the cloud to initiate a connection with the devices. So in this case, only the devices can connect to the cloud. Kapri initiates the communication and when an event is produced, like for example, a device has read a card, it sends a POST command to the application/API Server to the cloud. As a response, the application sends a set of commands to execute to the device, for example, to show messages on the screen or activate a relay to allow access.

The main characteristics of the Cloud protocol are:

– Kapri (the device) initiates all the communications
– The communication is always secure when the cloud uses HTTPS protocol
– It does not require to install drivers nor .DLLs or services…

• Mifare/Desfire reader and BLE reader

As an option you can add a 125kHz RFID reader or a Mifare/Desfire card reader (allows you to read the UID and memory sectors of the card).

With BLE option, the user can identify himself through a high-security virtual card housed in the mobile.

• Integration module

Kimaldi Kapri Bio is available in an integration module finish for installation on turnstiles, barriers and gates.

Kapri Bio SFM - Specifications


Table Header Table Header
5 VDC +/-10%
Maximum Consumption
1500 mA

2 internal ports:<br/>
• For biometric reader<br/>
• For RFID reader


2 internal ports:<br/>
• For biometric reader<br/>
• For RFID reader

Digital Inputs
4 active to ground digital inputs, inactive in open circuit

3 relays, power free, 24V/1A

(24/1A: 500,000 switchings)

2 relays with NC and NO contacts and 1 NO relay

1 antitamper input
1 integrated in circuit
1 integrated in circuit
2.4”, IPS, 320×240
16 key capacitive keypad
Operating Temperature
-20ºC ~ 50ºC
RFID Technology
125 kHz, 13,56 MHz

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